Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Plan of Opening

The opening of the film is simply a black screen, with no sound both diagetic and non-diagetic. "Lighthouse Pictures Presents" then fades into the centre of the screen.

The screen then shows a long shot of the resevoir, still silent apart from natural sounds (birds tweeting, passing cars etc).

This then shifts to an extreme long shot, followed by a shot of a stone being skimmed across the resevoir. This shot will be filmed from behind the left shoulder of Ben, so we can not see his face.

The screen turns black again, saying "A Blue River Production" in the centre. Unlike the first black screen, this time natural sounds can still be heard. I am not yet sure of whether I wish the title to already be on the screen or to fade in as "Lighthouse Pictures Presents" does. Ben's non-diagetic dialogue will begin here.

A long shot of Ben skimming the stone will appear, with the voiceover on continuing.

Another black screen shows, with the title "A Film by and Directed by Annabel Gammack" in the centre. Ben's dialogue runs over this.

Close up of Ben's face, who then looks down to the stone in his hand.

The shot then shifts to an extreme close up of the stone in his hand, which he is rotating anti-clockwise. He is rotating it anti-clockwise to link to his line "go back a year and everything was perfect", as if he is turning back in time. 

There is then a close up of Ben throwing the stone into the resevoir with force.

Black screen with no titles or sound. "December 2009" appears in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, this does not fade in. The non-diagetic music will start playing here.

While the music is playing, there will be various shots of both Ben and Amy getting ready in their rooms/bathrooms including split screen. We see Ben texting Amy "6 months today! I love you, see you in a bit x" and her recieving it - this will be an example of a split screen shot. During this the actor and actress' names will appear for the corresponding character. Ben will also have a second monologue during this section, until Amy is seen arriving home. 

The location then switches to the woods where there is film of Amy and Ben laughing and playing together in the woods, displaying their happiness and innocence together.

However, this is interrupted with flashes of Amy screaming and crying.

The shot shifts back to Ben, present day, close up. The scream of Amy can still be heard as if it is his memory. He then says, continuing the non-diagetic monologue, that Amy arrives home today.

There is then a shot of Amy standing on a doorstep, but the close up shot allows only her lower legs to be in the scene. She puts a suitcase down beside her. 

As she does so, the screen goes black with the title in the centre. 

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